Dental implants are the most commonly acceptable form of teeth restoration, but the success of the dental implant treatment process usually depends on the competence and expertise of the oral surgeon. However, this does not mean we should place the burden of delivering the whole treatment on the surgeon, because the procedure is a team effort. Nurses who aid the surgeon in the operation should provide their best services since failure to do so will cause the overall implant procedure to fail. This necessitates the need for implant courses for dental nurses. Through the courses, dental nurses will be prepared and knowledgeable enough to better adhere to professional best practices, hence guaranteeing success.
Implant courses for dental nurses should focus mainly on providing dental nurses with information and experience. The confidence they acquire from such training enables them to assist and support the dentist throughout all dental procedures, therefore creating a calm, cooperative environment. The implant course should educate dental nurses on the theoretical side of implant nursing and then take them through the practical procedures involved in dental implant surgery by letting them observe live oral surgeries as they take place.
In addition, a good dental implant course should incorporate hands-on learning, advanced asepsis techniques and a thorough examination of the role of dental nurses throughout the entire patient journey, from treatment planning, to placement and fitting the final restoration.
While participating in hands-on learning, the Brighton Implant Clinic surgeons teach dental nurses about gowning procedures. They also review the main features of specific dental implant procedures step-by-step to improve their efficiency and understanding of dental implant surgery.
During the primary course, the nurses should have an understanding of the process of osseointegration and learn about the history of dental implants. They should obtain an innate knowledge of both surgical and restorative procedures, as well as post-operative care and maintenance, including the possible complications. It is obvious that dental implant courses greatly benefit dental nurses who have little or no experience in the field.
There are implant courses for dental nurses offered at an advanced stage for those dental nurses who have experience in the field of implantology and who would like to widen their scope. Unlike primary courses that usually take a short time, advanced courses take a bit longer. This is mainly because they involve advanced surgical dental nursing procedures in implant placement, such as sinus lifts, bone grafting, socket preservation, soft tissue augmentation and much more. Advance implant courses are highly technical and may involve some practical observation and experience with real-time surgeries to improve the efficiency and understanding of the process by the nurses, ultimately boosting their confidence.
Some institutions make the learning process more encompassing by combining basic and advanced courses, usually offered at a fee. All qualified registered nurses who may find themselves involved in dental implantology should be equipped with knowledge in the field, and there is no better way than participating in dental implant courses.
For more information about Implant Courses For Dental Nurses please feel free to Contact Brighton Implant Clinic or Call us on 0800 111 6623.