A teeth implant is a metallic root of a tooth that is placed in the bone of your jaw by an implant dentist and allowed to heal in the bone for a period of time until the bone-implant union is strong enough to support a prosthetic tooth. Dental implant is a treatment that has been around for many years now. Up to now, this is the most widely accepted form of teeth restoration. This type of medication is used to support one or more false teeth as it is placed into the jawbone just like a tooth root.
Teeth implant is a permanent and fixed prosthesis positioned within an individual's mouth; they are small titanium "fixtures" that take the place of the natural root of the tooth. They are gently implanted into the bone, using local anesthesia, these very tiny titanium roots actually bond with a patient's bone, more securely than natural root would in a process known as osseointegration. Most often, the implant is more stable than a natural tooth's root. A dental implant is one of the most precise and invasive procedure completed by a dentist and though has many positive aspects, risks do exist. There is always a risk that your body will reject the implant as any foreign object that is implant comes with the risk of being rejected, rejection is usually high when the sterilization has not been done properly and an infection interferes with the dental procedure. Though these implant screws are constructed of titanium, chances of rejection are low.
Another factor to consider is the gap, though it is not a direct risk, but there is a gap in the cavity and sometimes, the adjacent teeth drift in and there is crowding especially when it is time to fix the crown. However, the main factor that needs to be considered is the risk of infections. Any carelessness during the procedure can result in infections that can jeopardize the implantation process. In some cases, it is so severe that it spreads into the jawbone causing untold misery and pain.
A teeth implant does not hurt and is usually done using a simple local anesthetic. You will not feel any pain at the time, but just like after an extraction, you may feel some discomfort during the week after the surgery. Your dentist will give you instructions on how to look after your implant until the time of healing.