Neutropenia Increases Your Likelihood Of Developing Oral Infections

Patients of neutropenia don’t have a normal level of white blood cells known as neutrophils. Neutrophils are cells that fight off bacterial infections. The causes of neutropenia include:

  • Congenital disorders
  • Cancer or other conditions damaging bone marrow
  • Autoimmune diseases that destroy bone marrow cells or neutrophils
  • Viral infections that damage bone marrow function
  • Medicines that damage bone marrow or destroy neutrophhils
  • Overwhelming diseases that are responsible for lower levels of neutrophils

If you suffer from this condition, you’re more susceptible to experience infections. Patients of neutropenia don’t notice any signs of infection because white blood cells usually cause the swelling and redness that are the symptoms of infection. You might not experience swelling or redness if there aren’t normal levels of neutrophils. According to an experienced dentist at Brighton Implant Clinic, oral ulcers, yeast infections and periodontal (gum) disease can get even worse if you suffer from this condition.

Sometimes, patients of neutropenia are prescribed antibiotics before they undergo major oral treatment. Normally, there are 3,000 and 6,000 neutrophils in the body. If the neutrophil count in your body is less than 1,000 cells, you’ll require antibiotics. If you are a patient of neutropenia or are taking medication that can lead to neutropenia, provide your blood test results to your dentist each time you visit the dental clinic.

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