Dental implant replacing problem canine tooth
- blocked out upper left canine, missing lower right canine.
- failed root canal treatment ct scan of upper left canine area
- upper left canine tooth before extraction
- direction indicator during dental implant placement
- dental implant in position after dental implant surgery complete
- healing abutment placed on dental implant completed
- gum tissues healed around healing abutment dental implant during healing phase
- healing abutment on implant upper left missing canine replaced with implant
- porcelain bonded bridge on dental implant
- screw retained dental implant bridge porcelain bonded bridge on dental implant
- dental implant lab work lab model with porcelain bonded bridge
- radio graph of bridge on dental implant
- completed porcelain bridge on implant 2 unit bridge on dental implant
- healing abutment on dental implant during the healing phase