Issues You May Face With Dental Crowns

Let’s talk about issues you may face with dental crowns.

Is it sensitivity that’s bothering you?

People with dental crowns may experience sensitivity or some sort of discomfort in the beginning- especially when anesthesia starts wearing off after the procedure. In some cases, the crowned tooth is left with a nerve, which later becomes a cause of tooth sensitivity. So, make sure that you talk with your dentist about this issue. This will not only help you get proper advice for problems like sensitive teeth but it will also help your dentist fix any problems that may arise with the newly crowned teeth.

Do you have a chipped crown?

Yes, some people have a chipped crown. There are certain crowns that are made of porcelain and these can chip quite easily. But referring to an experienced dentist can save you from the trouble of replacing the crown. While it’s not always possible to avoid replacing a chipped dental crown, an experienced dentist can repair the chip using composite resin if the damage isn’t major or easily noticeable.

What if your crown gets loose?

At times, the crown cement may wash out, which loosens the crown while allowing bacteria to get in and cause tooth decay. And if you’re facing the same problem, don’t forget to consult your dentist right away.

OMG! Your crown just fell!

Yes, this happens with a lot of people. The problem actually lies in the way your dentist fits the crown or uses dental cement. If you ever experience this problem, you should consider cleaning the crown along with the tooth front immediately. The crown can be temporarily replaced with the help of dental adhesive or tooth cement but in order to find a permanent solution, you’ll have to consult an experienced dentist. For more information please feel free to Contact Brighton Implant Clinic or Call us on 0800 111 6623 .


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