Where tooth brushing is concerned, technique is just as critical as frequency. The first step is to gather the necessary tools; this includes a soft-bristle toothbrush, fluoridated toothpaste, waxed dental floss and non-alcoholic, antibacterial mouth wash. All supplies should be gathered in an area where a sink is readily accessible, such as the bathroom.
Begin by obtaining an 18 to 24 inch length of floss. Wrap each end of the floss around the index finger several times. Insert the floss between two teeth and move back and forth and up and down, wrapping the floss around each tooth and going below the gum line, using fingers to guide; remove the floss from the mouth and re-wrap it around the index fingers so that a fresh length of floss can be used on the next set of teeth. Continue in this fashion until all teeth have been flossed.
Apply a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste to a soft-bristle toothbrush. Brush teeth, beginning with the upper right quadrant. When brushing, use a circular motion and slightly angle the tooth brush downward and then upward. Brush all sides of each tooth in the upper right quadrant before moving on the upper left quadrant. Continue in this manner until all teeth have been brushed. Then gently brush all tissues in the mouth, inside of cheeks, gum, tongue and roof of mouth.
Pour one to two tablespoons of non-alcoholic, antibacterial mouthwash into a disposable cup. Pour the mouthwash into the mouth and swish around for one minute, then gargle the mouthwash 30 seconds. Spit mouthwash into the sink.
Wait at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking. This routine should be repeated at least twice a day.
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