Do I need to remove my wisdom teeth?

wisdom tooth infection

Wisdom teeth are usually referred to as the third molars, which are the very last teeth to erupt. The eruption occurs somewhere between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five. In many cases, the jaw and mouth aren’t large enough to accommodate the new teeth, thereby leading to various dental problems. Often, these teeth grow in sideways, have partial eruption or get trapped beneath the bone and the gum. Such issues can lead to infection and discomfort. An infection and complications which arise around a wisdom tooth is knowns as peri-coronitis. This usually happens when food pieces and/or bacteria get stuck under the flap of gum tissue near the wisdom teeth.

The Purpose Of Wisdom Teeth

Our mouth doesn’t actually require wisdom teeth, which is why these teeth are often extracted. According to anthropologists, wisdom teeth are actually the evolutionary result of our ancestors’ early habits of eating rough foods like nuts, roots as well as meats that need chewing force. As the current diets are composed of softer foods, biologists have categorised wisdom teeth as functionless because of their evolutionary background.

Dealing With Pain and Infection

There are several ways for treating wisdom teeth infection, which include conservative as well as surgical treatment approaches. Typically, if wisdom teeth have erupted without issues, the dental professional may not opt for surgical extraction while examining the teeth over time.

  1. The Conservative Treatment Approach. If an individual starts experiencing pain due to wisdom teeth infection, the dentist may opt for the conservative treatment approach, which includes using over-the-counter pain medication, antibiotics, saltwater rinses, etc. These strategies are effective for people with some health issues like bleeding disorders, extreme dental anxiety, etc. But, if the infection gets worse, surgical extraction may become the best option for relief.
  2. The Surgical Treatment Approach. This is a common option to avoid complications like wisdom teeth infections. According to experts, infected wisdom teeth are associated with complications; therefore, these teeth need to be removed for preventing further issues. Wisdom teeth can be extracted at the dental clinic. The dentist may recommend sedation (if the patient is nervous) or local anaesthesia for avoiding any discomfort during the treatment. The impacted tooth can be removed by making an incision in the patient’s gums so that the dentist can reach the jawbone and infected teeth. Stitches may be required for closing the wound. After removing the infected teeth, the patient will be given clear instructions on ways to care for the mouth.

Why Treatment Should Never Be Delayed

Regardless of surgical or conservative approach to treat the infection, taking action immediately is highly recommended. If the symptoms of infection are ignored, the problem will only get worse. Moreover, the older a person gets, the more challenging it becomes to extract the teeth. It is also very important to ensure that impacted wisdom teeth are not causing dental decay on the neighbouring teeth. Your dentist can check this by means of small radiographs taken of the teeth. If there is a risk of tooth decay then it is recommended to remove the impacted wisdom teeth.

Brighon Implant Clinic is able to help patients who require removal of wisdom teeth (both under sedation as well as local anaesthetic) In order to undergo this procedure a thorough examination is needed with the surgeon who will be carrying out the procedure. Radiographs and or CT scans may required in order to ascertain the exact position, inclination and angulation of the wisdom teeth. In certain rare cases the wisdom teeth can be in very close proximity to the inferior alveolar dental nerve. Careful extraction of these teeth is very important to ensure no post operative complications. In order to minimise such problems our clinic may use specialized dental equipment such as piezo surgery units to minimise trauma during the extraction process. Unlike other instruments Piezo surgery is able to cut hard tissues while leaving soft tissues untouched. For further information or advice please feel free to Contact Brighton Implant Clinic or Call us on 0800 111 6623.


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