Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure performed by a dentist to expose the greater amount of the tooth structure for the purpose of subsequently restoring the tooth prosthetically. It is designed to reshape the gums at the base of the desired tooth. It also aims at adjusting the bone level of the teeth. There are a number of dental conditions that need this procedure in restoration of the teeth. Most common is severe tooth decay below the gum line. Another is when a tooth has fractured and broken off beneath the existing gum line.

Crown lengthening plays an important role in the restoration of damaged teeth. The process is very straightforward and simple process. The patient is placed under an anesthesia to reduce pain. Once the area is numb, the protruding gums are cut so as to pull them away from their initial positions. Sterile water is used as it prevents the risks of infections. The selected are of the gum is contoured and reduced through the removal of small amounts of tissues. The goal is to lengthen the appropriate teeth and create better symmetry at the gum line. Once the excessive gum has been chopped off, the gums are cleaned and stitched up back to normal. The main prescription is usually a pain reliever that helps keep the place calm and free from anguish.

There are a number of very realistic and beneficial advantages of the crown lengthening procedure which has to be something that you are very much interested in. Crown lengthening is convenient because unlike other treatments from the dentist, this only needs to be done once. Once the procedure is complete there is no need for touch ups as the teeth will be in absolutely perfect condition. This treatment is also very beneficial as the patients get a new look and a better smile thus enhancement of confidence. Also, this supports cosmetic dental procedures and it is useful in places where the gums extend too far down the length of the teeth causing them to appear unnaturally short. This can also increase their vulnerability to periodontal disease. Removal of this extra gum tissue can restore a natural look and thus improve a smile.

In some cases a bit of the bone is removed as well. Patients can heal completely after one or two weeks.

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