Fever blisters as well as cold sores typically result from herpes simplex virus type 1, which gets passed from one person to another by means of saliva or skin contact. The sores typically show up as clusters of small blisters on the affected person’s lip. Around eight out of ten people tend to have the virus that results in cold sores.

After the initial infection, the virus stays inactive in the facial nerves. In certain individuals, the virus gets active again at different times. As a result, cold sores develop. A fever or cold can activate this virus.

Stress tends to result in an outbreak of the sore as well. Other triggers include emotional as well as mental stress, along with dental treatment, disease, and sun exposure or lip trauma. This virus can affect the eyes, the genitals as well as skin.

HSV-1 may cause some serious diseases in people with other health problems. Moreover, this virus can also affect the immune system.Signs And Symptoms
People who get infected for the first time may develop headache, fever, vomiting as well as nausea. The affected individuals may also experience painful inflammation. In some cases, a sore throat is also a sign of the problem. These signs often start showing up around a week after an individual is exposed to the virus.

The lip’s border is an extremely common site for the development of sores. The sores may develop inside the mouth as well.

The initial sign of the problem is tingling, itching or burning in the lip or affected site, which is followed by redness and inflammation.

Within two to three days, a few tiny blisters start to show up. The blisters pop up and result in painful sores. Scab-like crusts often cover these sores. As the sores heal, these crusts shed and develop again.


Certain drugs can cause the sores to heal faster. They are used for pain and discomfort relief. However, these drugs don’t offer relief from the virus, and must be taken every time a person feels that a cold sore is coming on.

It is important to note that these drugs can prevent the development of cold sores. Some people take these drugs when they know they will go through the stress.

Keep the affected site clean and use lip balm. Avoid touching the area unnecessarily. Avoid picking at the crusts over the cold sores. It is also important to make sure that the affected person doesn’t kiss anyone while having sores and blisters. The condition can spread through kissing as well as by sharing stuff that touches the skin around the lips, like forks, spoons, glasses, cups and towels.

For more information please feel free to Contact Brighton Implant Clinic or Call us at 0800 111 6623

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